Size Guide

Every Nose is Unique: Find Your Perfect Fit

To discover your ideal size:

Hold each ring in front of your nostrils.

The ring that gently brushes the widest part of your nostrils to the inside of the band is typically the perfect size for you.

  1. Size S: For smaller noses or those with a narrow nasal bridge.
  2. Size M: Fits the majority of users; standard size.
  3. Size L: Perfect for larger noses or those with a wide nasal bridge.

Tip: If you’re unsure, start with size M.

Ensure the band properly covers the bridge of your nose for maximum effectiveness.

How to Know if Deeper Breathing is the Right Size for You

Here Are a Few Indicators to Determine if Deeper Breathing Is the Right Size for You:

Too Small

If the inner part of the band stays within the width of your nostrils, it may still fit and open your nose. However, a larger band would provide optimal effectiveness.

Perfect Size

If the inner part of the band gently touches the outermost area of the widest part of your nostrils.

Too Large

If the inner part of the band is far from touching the sides of your nostrils, it may overly widen the opening of your nose and cause the tabs to become loose or detach.